Friday, October 19, 2012

This week i did come to my ESL class Monday to Thursday at 8:30am to 11:30am, and I did come to my ABE class too that's class is for the people who want or try to get the High School Diploma or the GED. This class I did take at 11:35 am to 1:10pm, and on Friday I come to my computer class every Friday. I want to say to my all teachers that I'm happy all with  themes because they, help me with my homework's they explain me how did I have to doe my homework's. and I really really love my all teachers in Durham Tech Community College. After my class I did going to work a par-time like 4 hours only Monday to Friday, but I'm looked for a new job if somebody know about some job please let me know that and I hope to the peoples who's want to help me thanks for yours time.

Sincerely: Luis Alberto Contreras Vidal

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